Program in a Box

While not everyone will be touched by prostate cancer in their life, millions know someone who has or will. Program in a Box helps raise the necessary awareness that has the potential to lead to a life-saving screening.
In This Together

Women play such a large role in keeping the men in their life healthy, so it is greatly important that they are educated as well about prostate cancer! In This Together is a program that provides a valuable network and resources for women who are helping the men in their lives stay healthy.
Know Your Numbers

Prostate Conditions Education Council encourages men to Know Your Numbers! Men should know their PSA blood test value at their next health screening, just as they would their cholesterol or blood pressure.
Medical Professionals Education Programs

Providing Free Education to Doctors, Nurses, Patient Advocates and all Medical Professionals!
Prostate Conditions Education Council (PCEC) founded and coordinates the national SET the PACE Event Series.
The series, launched in 2001, increases national awareness of prostate health and educates men and their loved ones about the importance of early detection. In 2011, the SET the PACE program expanded from a national run/walk series to encompass all awareness events. With new events being added every month, SET the PACE ensures men and women from all walks of life are reached.