Providing Free Education to Doctors, Nurses, Patient Advocates and all Medical Professionals!

It is so important for all members of a patient's medical team to be educated on the latest research, discoveries and treatment options for all stages of prostate cancer.  The free Medical Professionals Education Program, discusses the Multidisciplinary Care of Prostate Cancer and provides an overview of the new treatment options for the disease.  PCEC brings in leading urologists in prostate cancer research, urology nurses and patient advocates to host these informational and engaging seminars throughout the country.  This program helps ensure that not only doctors but all members of a patient's medical team are up-to-date on the newest findings in prostate cancer ensuring that they are providing the most current and best care possible.


Prostate cancer is a disease that is most successfully treated when it is detected early on.  As the research community explores various methods to detecting the disease, PCEC continues to encourage men to play an active role in their health by looking to those trusted sources of prostate cancer testing – the PSA and DRE.

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