Dr. Moyad received his master’s degree in public health from the University of South Florida where he was one of the lead investigators of the L-tryptophan dietary supplement study that helped to remove this dangerous supplement from the market.

He published his first medical article in college on the relationship between a compound found in cottonseed oil and male infertility. He received his M.D. from Wayne State University school of Medicine. He is currently working part-time on his Ph.D. in pathology and N.D. (Naturopathic doctor) degree. He is the author or co-author of 4 books and has 3 additional books coming out in the next 12 months including a guide for Men’s and Women’s Health and a Breast Cancer Prevention Book. He is the primary author of over 60 medical articles. He is the editor of the complementary/ preventive medicine medical book series from Humana press. Dr. Moyad has also been the guest editor of 5 different medical journals. He reviews or edits articles for a number of medical journals including: Urology, Journal of Urology, Cancer, Nutrition and Cancer, British Journal of Urology… He is the director of the Complementary/Preventive medicine course for the Annual American Urologic Association Meeting and the Annual Urologic Nurses Meeting. Dr. Moyad has an endowed chair/directorship at the University of Michigan Medical Center in Complementary and Preventive Medicine. He has had a consulting practice for almost 10 years and he runs clinical trials and basic science studies in regards to complementary/preventive at the University. He has lectured in all 50 states to health professionals and patients and he speaks internationally and gives courses in Europe and Asia on a regular basis. His latest research includes identifying the relationship between lipid changes and cancer risk and treatment. He will also be the co-director of the new Men’s Health program at the University of Michigan in 2004.

Early detection saved my life.  More men need to know about their risk, and their opportunities to get screened.

~ Keith Wegen, prostate cancer survivor

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