Prostate Conditions Education Council, together with our Screening Site Partners and countless volunteers who participate in prostate cancer screening events during Prostate Cancer Awareness Week, the entire month of September and year round events, has helped to screen over 5 million men since 1989!

Benefits of being a Screening Site Partner

You will be participating with one of the oldest and most successfully coordinated cancer screenings.

Community Outreach/Support Services
PCEC supports community outreach and education programs.  We can provide your organization with useful resources and the most update educational materials.

Marketing Support
Utilize our media kit for professional tools to help spread the word about your screening or awareness event.  Registered screening site partners also receive a FREE listing on this website and our toll-free phone locator service!

Low-Cost PSA Processing
Utilize our central laboratory for low-cost PSA processing and other blood testing as well!  Sites can customize their events to include other men’s health issues, such as; Testosterone, Cholesterol, HDL/LDL, Triglycerides and Glucose.  Blood processing starts at $9.00 per sample for PSA only!

Screening Supplies for FREE
You can receive many of your screening supplies for free, including screening questionnaire forms, PSA lab kits, media materials for local PR, etc.

Working with PCEC is an excellent way for your organization to participate in state-of-the-art research.  Our program can also provide you with the tools to recruit and participate in research on your own!  Every year PCEC has had abstracts from our research accepted to major medical meetings across the country.

Final Data Reports
PCEC will provide to our Longitudinal and Tracking Screening Site Partners with an individual and national statistical site report at the conclusion of PCAW each year.

Levels of Participation and Site Requirements

doc screening

There are many levels of participation that a site can choose; from returning a report that requires just a few minutes of your time, to more involved levels where you complete additional information used for state-of-the-art research, national studies and national reports. The level of participation is always the site’s choice and can vary from year to year. All of the site categories are an integral part of PCAW as our most important goal is to provide free or low-cost screenings to as many men as possible.

Participation Levels

Health Fair Site:  PCEC will support your event with educational materials, a listing on our website and have access to our media/tool kit.   

Basic Screening Site:  PCEC will support your event with educational materials, a listing on our website, toll-free phone locator and medial kit.  The site is required to submit to PCEC the simple Final Report Form indicating the number of hours and some demographic information about the men screened as well as the number of abnormal DRE’s and PSA’s is returned to PCEC at the end of your screening.

Tracking Screening Site*: PCEC will support your event with educational materials, a listing on our website, toll-free phone locator, medial kit as well as supply you with a detailed Screening Questionnaire with Consent Forms for your participants. Tracking Sites are required to send back to PCEC the completed original Screening Questionnaires with PSA results along with the simple Final Report Form indicating the number of hours and some demographic information about the men screened as well as the number of abnormal DRE’s and PSA’s is returned to the PCEC at the end of your screening.

Longitudinal Study Screening Site*: PCEC will support your event with low-cost PSA and other blood processing as well, supply you with a detailed Screening Questionnaire with consent form, PSA Lab Kits which include blood collection tubes, aliquot tubes and a box to store samples for shipping, educational materials, a listing on our website, toll-free phone locator and medial kit.  Longitudinal Study Sites are required to spin down the blood and pipette transfer into the aliquot tubes, frozen serum packed in the provided box on dry ice and overnight shipped to our central laboratory.  PCEC does not cover the cost of the shipping of the samples to the lab.  PCEC also requires the completed original Screening Questionnaires along with the simple Final Report Form indicating the number of hours and some demographic information about the men screened as well as the number of abnormal DRE’s and PSA’s is returned to the PCEC at the end of your screening.   PCEC emails the site coordinators with the blood test results soon after your event.

* Sites that return their PCAW screening questionnaire forms and PSA results to the Prostate Cancer Education Council are eligible to receive many screening supplies for FREE!

What I know now I wish I knew before…getting checked early can save your life.

~John Sharp, prostate cancer survivor

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